Kathleen Ann
Kathleen Ann

Kathleen Ann

Precinct Committee Woman - SC11
Chairman South Dakota Legislative District 30

Thank you for stopping by

Thanks also to all of you who worked, donated and voted for me in the '08 election.

It is humbling when 4000 folk vote for you. There is much work to be done if we are to have better government in South Dakota. I want to be a part of that effort; I still need your help.

The 2010 elections are on the way.

Good government is always a work in progress. 2010 is also the year of the decennial census - followed by redistricting of state and federal legislative districts!

Your opinion is sill important to me, lets talk

Since redistricting affects the political flavor of state legislatures; and ultimately even federal government, the 2010 elections are very important!

Be patriotic - Be informed - Be Involved!


This is a web site in progress - God willing, it will grow over time with useful information.

We'll have a little fun too!

I plan to travel around Dist 30, attend events, listen to you; I hope we will grow a spirit of community within District 30.

We will address issues that arise.

As I visit communities I shall bring you pictures and stories.

Visit the District 30 page.

Let's keep on trucking!

I feel honored that the Democrats of District 30 have chosen me as their chairman. It is my goal to bring the wonderful people of this big district together, to help them understand each other's problems and issues. For if we work together it will get better for us all!

I said during my campaign for the South Dakota House that I felt South Dakota government was broken; I still think so.

I believe complicated government is neither good nor efficient. There are too many stumbling blocks. Let's fix it!

I will be coming to your community, to attend your events and to talk to you; to listen to your concerns and help in whatever way I can to make our district and South Dakota government better I look forward to seeing you.

My goal is to make this website not only a showcase for South Dakota District 30, address citizen concerns but also to help its citizens understand their district.

And if you feel you can, every donation, large or small, is valuable to getting out the word and supporting future legislative candidates.
Thank you

This entire Web site content copyright © 2009 by: Kathleen Ann. All Rights Reserved.
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